Quebec - South Shore 7/22

St Jean Port Joli - the rectors home with an amazing wood sculpture

The church - circa 1779

On our way from Edmuston NB to Trois Riviere,
we took the river side road and
found many artisan outlets and interesting sites

A mill and Seigneurie that dates back to 1656,
with its buildings restored to the 1850's Victorian era

Main dining room

True Victorian excess - Blue Willow - the color blue in porcelain
is the most difficult to do - hence the expense

Master Bedroom - Victorians slept sitting up
because they fear death - stomach aches and
heart attacks were seen as the same danger

The latest in Victorian fashion 

Amazing state of the art ( in 1860) kitchen stove

Home loom

Multiple gables

Local 18th Century church

All things “Duck”

In Cap de Madelaine - Notre Dame de Cap
early morning sunshine

The original chapel where Mary appeared to three people in the 1800's

An example of the stations of the cross - bronze sculptures on limestone plinths

A group of energetic summer school kids about to
start some art activities in the church -
getting a pep talk from their organizers