Nova Scotia 7/12/09

The Springhill mine museum - the coal cars and entrance
to the underground shaft in the distance
A local market near New Glasgow

Bob and Michelle Camozzis rural Atlantic seaside retreat

They own 22 acres of forest, field and beach

They cut a path to the sea so they can survey the
daily changes to their land and the sea

Sea Kayaks - great for whale watching - Up Close!

Ancient rocks march into the sea -
once a part of the African continent -
split apart by Continental Drift some 120 million years ago

The gang at the beach - Chris, Bob, Michelle, Fran,
Bruce and Christine

A welcome sign upon our arrival - what a great stop over
on our way to Cape Breton

Ferry to NFLD - docked in North Sydney Harbour

Our local wharf in Cape Dauphin with the days lobster pots
stacked for tomorrows catch

Can you spot the bait?

Yup, it's a crab

Lake freighter moves up Bras D'Or lake

Tour of Fort Louisburg: All interpreters at Louisbourg
are in character all day depicting life in
1744 French occupied Canada

Cod processing shed

Salt Cod dry on racks in the sun

Asking permission to enter the Fort

A complete reconstruction of the Fort according to
authentic plans from 1713

Louisbourg archives - over 750,000 written documents -
scanned with this microfische machine

Governors residence

Buying bread the 18thC way

Entry gate from the sea into the fort

Herb and vegetable gardens are 18th century authentic

Engineers home

Lunch circa 1744 in the upper class dining room
of the marine hotel

Captains home

Soldiers barracks and parade grounds

A view from the Fort out over the sea


Typical marine chapel feature

Our dining companions - a joyous time was had by all!

A view from the ramparts

Authentic portable fencing

Sheep stone wall

Louisbourg cross